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Revamping UI

How the revamping process started was basically with a Content Audit. When I had joined PetSutra, I immediately took up to the responsibility to revamp the website, and connect missing links, so to speak. And to do that, content audits are important.

Image by Per Lööv
Content Audit Phase and Competitive Analysis

Realizing the importance of gathering user data, I led the revamp of the "My Profile" page. Our goal was to create a clearer persona and align it with our company's objectives.


By optimizing data collection, we gained valuable insights into our users, allowing us to personalize experiences and better meet their needs. This initiative resulted in improved marketing strategies and increased customer satisfaction.

We aligned on developing a more personalized user center, as it would help us know more about our users and their behaviors.

User Center

My Profile

My Order History

My Wallet

My Wishlist

My Coupons

Saved Addresses


As a pet company, we recognized that the person buying may not be the main focus since our end user is the pet. We decided to make "My Profile" a showcase of the pet's details, emphasizing their needs and preferences. This personalized approach strengthens the bond between our users and their beloved pets.

We upgraded the order tracking system to ensure transparency in your purchase history. The previous version was limited, providing vague details. Our revamped system offered a comprehensive view of your orders, aligning with e-commerce standards. We believe in fostering a transparent and satisfying customer experience.

Early on, we recognized the need to seamlessly integrate the wallet systems with our brand, alongside the Loyalty program. This ensured a cohesive and unified experience for our customers.

We prioritized a crucial aspect of e-commerce: enabling customers to view their previous cart and wishlist items. This essential feature was absent before but now allows for a seamless shopping experience and enhances customer satisfaction.

We created a dedicated section where users can easily view available active coupons for redemption. With discounts being a significant aspect of e-commerce, this feature enhances the user experience, particularly in the context of coupon usage in India.

This was purely a revamping job, we added a similar model to checkout as well.

Building customer loyalty requires prioritizing customer support and documentation. We redirected users to dedicated help pages, ensuring easy access to assistance and resources, a vital aspect for fostering long-term customer satisfaction.

The content audit process involved in me going through the website and testing its efficiency as a user myself, which was then reciprocated in the competitive ux analysis. All the final points were added into the new UI, which you can see down below:

Personalization - My Profile

There were a number of sections added to my profile page: 

1. The Actual Biller's Details : The profile may be pet focused, but the biller's details aka the pet parent's details are also pivotal, since pet's can't order for themselves. Hence this section was left on the top, and it gave us two metrics for promotion, the phone number and the email address.

2. PetFirst Points : The loyalty program was also in development along with the revamping, and my profile was another channel that we could use to remind the user of their remaining pet points. As Jakob Nielsen's Heuristics states, "Recognition is always better than recall."

3. My Pet's Information: Now to the actual pet's profile, why this data was important. We did a repeat customer data analysis and found that certain customers tended to order the same food multiple cycles in a row, and hence to pin point or target that, we needed to know what kind of Pet it was (breed), its age and certain other details.
All these accomplished several things:

a. Kind of pet and age: Several of our customers we realized were not giving the appropriate food to their pets, and to help educate our customers, this metric would be necessary.

b. Does your pet love a particular food: This helped cover the metric of people buying certain brands so we could track the price ranges they were likely to buy in.

c. What does your pet like doing in the day: This helped track the activity of the pet. Since all pet food is health oriented, the amount of activity they get is also crucial to the amount of feed they require.

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Why would anyone want to fill out this information?
Pet Points, an extrinsic motivational factor was added so that we could tap into this information and the customer would also gain a little something out of it.

4. Recommendation Panel: This helped in providing a curated area where the user could view products that would be perfect according to their purchase patterns. This was added to all the my profile pages.

My Order History

Order History is important for user transparency, hence this model reviews both ongoing and closed orders within the user's profile.

1. Past 6 Months : This was a filter according to time span of the orders, making the user experience smoother and loading time lesser.

2. Ongoing Order Section: The ongoing order section was for the user to know what their order status was, the key points being, what their order contained, how much it cost, when it was placed, where it was going and where it was currently. Helpdesk was also added to this module for any assistance the user may require.

3. Closed Order Section: Closed orders are usually only opened when the user requires a refund, hence the number of metrics was low. There was a ReOrder button which was handy for recurring users, and view my order opened the order detail page. 

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My Wallet

What makes Pet Wallet essential? Digital wallets make the payment process easier, and Petsutra's Pet Wallet was no exception.

1. Wallet Module : The actual wallet module, from where you can select between my wallet FAQ and My Wallet history.

2. My Wallet History: A concise list of when the wallet balance was recharged and used.

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My Wishlist and Addresses

My wishlist was revamped to contain important hyperlinks to the cart, indicate how many pet points you would receive upon completing your purchase and the amount of discount you were receiving at that point of time.

Transparency was key in the creation of this module.

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Saved Addresses was revamped according to the branding guidelines with a cleaner form, and with the option to add a new address more prominently displayed than before.

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